Download Your Guide to DEA Registration
This guide from TITAN Group is designed to assist those prescribers and distributors in understanding DEA registration, how to stay compliant, and the full responsibilities they inherently bear in their positions.
Download NowThe strategy the DEA has implemented to curb
opioid misappropriation includes the requirement that all healthcare
providers that handle controlled substances register with the DEA as
mandated in Titles II and III of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970
(CSA). Additionally, those people must maintain registration and stay
compliant with the evolving criteria involved with the regulation of
controlled substances. Learn more by downloading our guide.
In this Guide, we will review:
- What is DEA Registration?
- What is the Purpose of a DEA Registration?
- What is the Process for Acquiring a DEA Registration?
- What is a DEA Number?
- What is DEA Form 224?
- And More...